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hey just wondering how to make asset pack for RPG xp

Hi you can use my XP assets for Burden 1 here:
I will also be creating an asset pack for this game coming soon.

i just wanted to know how to make them

You need an art program and the templates that you can find online

(3 edits)

Dude please help, I finished Burden 1 (just yesterday) and almost finished Burden 2 but I can't get the last third ending and i know to get it you need to  find collectable NPCs , 1st is Normal Sized Clown, 2nd is boy in the locker  but I just can't find thr last one, please, tell me who the last collectable npc? 

Sorry for the late reply! Did you find the Yume Nikki statue?

I've also updated the walkthrough here on how to get the secret third ending:


Hey, thank you so much for the truly important hint, I would never checked this statue, thank you. :D


really great game:) i'm kinda sad cause i didn't get the story 


oh! I'm just now seeing this thanks for sharing and playing, I love seeing playthroughs of my games!


And it's okay you didn't get the story, it's very vague on purpose. You would probably have to play Burden 1 and then Burden 2 really close together to get all of the references :)


Time for my obligatory sudo-review for your game.

The amount of inspiration is obvious, but because you are trying to put your own personal spin on the Yume-Nikki formula, I'm giving it a pass.

The areas where varied and looked very nice, but not having an option to lower the sound effects is slightly annoying.

I will have to admit that I suck at playing these types of games, but what I did experience was nice.


I can't believe i played the first one and i almost missed this one 

Thanks for playing and posting! I love seeing LPs! I'll keep you updated on when the finished game comes out :)

Deleted 3 years ago

I like how many little details there are like the cash register making noise and the descriptions of things in the protagonist's room. Also the giant shadows of fish do a good job of creating a feeling of how small the player character is for the underwater area. Very nice demo!

Thank you! I tried to put as much detail as I could in such a small amount of time for the jam :) This will eventually be a full game with endings and many more maps, I'll create a devlog whenever there are substantial updates